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  1. Top results related to bbs skin zero_vote ask_password.php … write_update.php

  2. Apr 22, 2016 · If it > 0 then only execute the update query & put the data in the session. Also your update query is not proper.It should be : $update_posts = "UPDATE user_info SET user_pass='$passwordEncrypted',confirm_pass ='$confPasswordEncrypted' WHERE $id='$userid'";

    Code sample

    $new_pass = sha1($new_pass);
    $update_pass = "update user_info set user_pass='$new_pass',confirm_pass='$new_pass' where user_name='$username'";
    $run_update = mysqli_query($con,$update_pass);
      $subject = "Login information";
      $message = "Your password has been changed to $email_password";...
  3. Feb 12, 2007 · This is major update of the script, so it may not be as stable as before. Backup scenes or cameras at least before running this version. More information can be found here - 1.10b Multiple presets for each camera. Previous updates: 1.10.2b Fixes: Problems with render elements paths; Copy/paste of render region settings

    • 주요 패치내용
    • 변경된 기능
    • 테스트 환경
    PHP8 환경에서의 정상 작동 보장
    기초적인 보안 취약점 패치
    관리자 페이지의 "DB 상태 보기"메뉴 클릭 시 비밀번호 해시 길이를 41자까지 사용 할 수 있도록 자동 패치
    mysql_query(), mysql_error() 함수 대신 zb_query(), zb_error() 함수를 사용 (SQL injection 공격에 대응하기 위함)
    게시판 스킨의 memo_on.swf와 외부로그인 스킨의 i_memo.swf 외에 memo_on.mp3와 i_memo.mp3도 사용 할 수 있도록 변경
    회원가입 폼에서 우편번호 검색 시 카카오 우편번호 api를 사용하도록 변경
    setup.php에서 memo_limit_time을 0으로 설정할 시 쪽지를 자동으로 삭제하지 않도록 함
    Apache 2.4.48
    nginx 1.20.1
    PHP 8.0.7 (>= 4.3.0)
    MariaDB 10.4.19
  4. May 27, 2021 · 4. Creating the Poll and Voting System with PHP. We can finally start programming our poll and voting system with PHP. 4.1. Functions. The functions.php file will contain the template and database connection functions, which we can implement in all the pages that we create. Edit the functions.php file and add:

    • bbs skin zero_vote ask_password.php … write_update.php1
    • bbs skin zero_vote ask_password.php … write_update.php2
    • bbs skin zero_vote ask_password.php … write_update.php3
    • bbs skin zero_vote ask_password.php … write_update.php4
  5. You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window.

  6. New Features: Introduces a new caching system for preview images, allowing more assets to be displayed in Listview; Optimizes the display of a large number of assets in Listview

  7. V-RayMax Converter PRO is an Autodesk® 3ds Max script for converting materials, maps, and other scene components (lights, cameras, proxies, modifiers, helpers, etc.) from various render engines to V-Ray, as well for converting V-Ray materials to Standard (Default Scanline) materials and V-Ray Render to Corona Renderer (WIP).