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  1. Cast to a Windows PC from another Windows PC. On the PC you'd like to project from, select Start > Settings > System > Projecting to this PC . Under Add the “Wireless Display” optional feature to project to this PC, select Optional features . Next to Add an optional feature, select View features, then enter “wireless display.”.

  2. However, if your Windows Update client is already broken, use a running Windows installation as the repair source, or use a Windows side-by-side folder from a network share or from a removable media, such as the Windows DVD, as the source of the files. To do this, run the following command instead:

  3. Enter that person's account info, select the account type, and then select Add. If you need to remove an account from your PC: Select Start > Settings > Accounts > Access work or school . Select the account you wish to remove, then select Disconnect. Select Yes to confirm your actions.

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  5. Dec 6, 2023 · Next, click Open. Then, click Mode to choose how you want to take a screenshot. On a Windows 11 PC, this will appear as a box with a plus sign icon. Next, click New to take a screenshot. Finally, click the floppy disk icon to save the screenshot to your computer. You can also click File > Save As on a Windows 10 computer or press the Ctrl + S ...

  6. Jan 2, 2022 · 大概分为几类:. 1.功能丰富,完全免费. 代表网站: C1N短网址 ( 之所以上来就推荐大家用这个短链接接平台,最重要的免费、免费、免费,不仅现有的所有功能免费,功能还是我见过最多的,短网址做到这种程度还能保证永久免费的,也就是短网址界的 ...

  7. 10:WikiHow. wikihow 是一个综合技能聚合网站,不管生活中,工作中,遇到不会的东西,你都可以利用这个网站搜索。. 它上面还免费提供了很多生活,工作小技巧,并且包含不同的专业,不同的方面:艺术与娱乐、汽车与其它交通工具、计算机与 ...