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  1. 1 day ago · Local 12 WKRC-TV is the local station for breaking news, weather forecasts, traffic alerts, community news, Cincinnati Bengals, Reds and FC Cincinnati sports updates ...

    • Overview
    • Source of Zinx
    • I. One word that has been said before
    • III. Zinx development API documentation

    English | 简体中文

    Zinx is a lightweight concurrent server framework based on Golang.






    Why did we create Zinx? Although there are many Golang application frameworks for servers, there are few lightweight enterprise frameworks applied in the gaming or other long-linked fields.

    The purpose of designing Zinx is to provide a complete outline of how to write a TCP server based on Golang, so that more Golang enthusiasts can learn and understand this field in a straightforward manner.

    The development of the Zinx framework project is synchronized with the creation of learning tutorials, and all the incremental and iterative thinking involved in the development process is incorporated into the tutorials. This approach avoids overwhelming beginners with a complete framework that they may find difficult to grasp all at once.

    The tutorials will be iterated version by version, with each version adding small increments of functionality, allowing a beginner to gradually and comprehensively learn about the field of server frameworks.

    (1) QuickStart

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    (2) Zinx configuration file

    Name:Server Application Name Host:Server IP TcpPort:Server listening port MaxConn:Maximum number of client links allowed WorkerPoolSize:Maximum number of working Goroutines in the work task pool LogDir: Log folder LogFile: Log file name (if not provided, log information is printed to Stderr) LogIsolationLevel: Log Isolation Level -0: Full On 1: Off debug 2: Off debug/info 3: Off debug/info/warn

    About the author

    name:Aceld(刘丹冰) mail: github: original work:

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