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  1. Lorenzo di Piero deMedici, közkeletű nevén Lorenzo il Magnifico – magyarul: „a nagyszerű” vagy „a tündöklő”, ( Firenze, 1449. január 1. – Careggi, 1492. április 9.) firenzei államférfi, a művészetek és a tudomány patrónusa, a Medici-család legkiemelkedőbb alakja. [1] 1469. december 2-től 1478. április 26-áig ...

  2. Feb 1, 2024 · Lorenzo de' Medici was more than a cunning banker, statesman, and patron of the arts. Behind the scenes, his life as a poet and father would shape Europe for centuries. Lorenzo de’ Medici’s rule over Florence is synonymous with the savvy political maneuvering of complicated places like Volterra and Naples, and the give-and-take scheming ...

  3. Apr 4, 2024 · Pocos hombres consiguen cumplir los sueños de su generación. El florentino Lorenzo de Médici (1449-1492) fue uno de ellos. Llamado «el Magnífico» por sus contemporáneos, completó en su propia persona el ideal del hombre del Renacimiento. Astuto diplomático y príncipe de Florencia, supo aprovechar hábilmente el poder para alcanzar sus ...

  4. Lorenzo de’ Medici died in Florence in 1492, at the age of 43, in the Medici Villa of Careggi, due to gangrene in his foot, probably caused by gout. Gout was a very common hereditary disease in the Medici family, from which his father and grandfather had also suffered.

  5. Mar 15, 2017 · Lorenzo de’ Medici (January 1, 1449 – April 9, 1492) – called Il Magnifico ( The Magnificent) – is probably the most well-known member of the Medici family; he was the son of Piero deMedici and Lucrezia Tornabuoni and the grandson of Cosimo the Elder. He was a magnate, diplomat, politician, and patron of scholars, artists, and poets.

  6. Lorenzo de' Medici, Canzona di Bacco , Canti carnascialeschi) Lorenzo di Piero de' Medici , modernamente noto come Lorenzo il Magnifico (Firenze , 1º gennaio 1449 – Careggi , 8 aprile 1492), fu signore di Firenze dal 1469 alla morte, il terzo della dinastia dei Medici . È stato anche uno scrittore , mecenate , poeta e umanista , nonché uno dei più significativi uomini politici del ...

  7. Medici, Lorenzo de'1449–1492Florentine statesmanand author. L orenzo de' Medici, also known as Lorenzo the Magnificent, was a member of the wealthy and powerful Medici family of Florence, Italy. From 1469 until his death he managed the affairs of the Florentine republic* while strengthening the position of his family.

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