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  1. ANNUAL DECREASE 8'. Edit. Map with JOSM Remote. View. Weather. Sea Marks. Harbours. Sport. Aerial photo.

  2. Interactive seamarks. Official depth data for Germany/MV. POIs for scuba diving. Search places. Marine traffic. Download map bundles. Debug tiles.

  3. OpenSeaMap - die freie Seekarte, nach dem Wiki-Prinzip, auf PC, Garmin, Lowrance.

  4. OpenSeaMap - die freie Seekarte, nach dem Wiki-Prinzip, auf PC, Garmin, Lowrance.

  5. OpenSeaMap-charts can be used on board even without access to internet - with a chart plotter from Garmin, Lowrance, Simrad, B&G. Together with a navigation program or an app also with an onboard-computer, a notebook, on Android tablet, iPad or Windows tablet.

  6. OpenSeaMap can be run on PCs (Computers, Laptops, Netbooks) with a variety of navigational programs: WinNav Chart formats: OpenSeaMap, WSV, BingMaps, ENC-, BSB- and self scanned charts.

  7. › wiki › OpenSeaMapOpenSeaMap - Wikipedia

    OpenSeaMap is a software project collecting freely usable nautical information and geospatial data to create a worldwide nautical chart. This chart is available on the OpenSeaMap website, and can also be downloaded for use as an electronic chart for offline applications.

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