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  1. Jun 7, 2018 · June 7, 2018. Independence, confederation, and foreign alliances. For months, these three elements were the talk of the Continental Congress. When Richard Henry Lee’s resolution was presented on June 7, 1776, it called for these three things, in this order: That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States ...

  2. Feb 25, 2020 · Richard Henry Lee was born on January 20, 1732 Thomas and Hannah Lee in Westmoreland County, Virginia. When Richard was only 13, he moved to England to finish his schooling at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School in Wakefield. Richard Henry Lee Public domain image. He returned to the states in 1751, during the French and Indian War. During this time ...

  3. Richard Henry Lee (1733-1794) Richard Henry Lee, known by contemporaries as the "Cicero" of the American Revolution, was a politician and planter from Virginia who was indispensible to the founding of the United States. Lee was the driving force behind the creation of the intercolonial committees of correspondence; drafted and introduced the ...

  4. Richard Henry Lee, American statesman and orator, was born at Stratford, in Westmoreland county, Virginia, in 1732. He was one of six distinguished sons of Thomas Lee (d. 1750), a descendant of an old Cavalier family, the first representative of which in America was Richard Lee, who was a member of the privy council, and early in the reign of ...

  5. Sep 13, 2021 · Richard Henry Lee was a part of Adams’ network, and employed the same sort of tactics against the Stamp Act in the 1760s. In September 1765 he dressed his slaves up in “Wilkes costume” and marched them to Montross for a staged ceremony in which the stamp collector was hanged in effigy.

  6. Richard Henry Lee, brilliant orator and fiery Revolutionary leader, introduced the independence resolution in the Continental Congress, served for awhile as its President, and later became a U.S. Senator. Fearing undue centralization of power, he fought against the Constitution and led the campaign that brought inclusion of the Bill of Rights.

  7. Ask a student to summarize the historical significance of Richard Henry Lee. Richard Henry Lee was a Virginia planter and one of the leaders of the opposition to British tyranny during the 1760s and 1770s. He was one of the first Americans to call for independence from Great Britain. As a member of the Second Continental Congress, Lee ...

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