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  1. The West Wind is a destroyer in that it wipes away old ways of life, but it is a preserver in that it preserves the beauty of nature. For example, it destroys the fall leaves, but in doing so, it ...

  2. The initial setting of "The Monkey's Paw" establishes the story's mood through the contrast of the unpleasant weather outside and the cozy atmosphere inside the White's household. The harsh ...

  3. Sep 5, 2023 · Nadia, a young woman in a war-torn country. A large portion of Mohsin Hamid’s fourth novel, Exit West, is set in an unnamed city in an unnamed, war-torn country. Shortly before the real breakout ...

  4. In “The Fox as Herdsman,” a woman tries to hire a herdsman; she wisely rejects the bear and the wolf, but she is taken in by the fox. When she discovers that the fox has eaten her sheep and ...

  5. Other motives were primarily economic in nature as well. Many Americans moved west to work for the mining companies that formed to exploit the vast mineral resources of the West. Others became ...

  6. West Summary. West, Harjo writes, “is the direction of endings,” “tests,” abandonment, and finding one’s path; it also acts as “doorway to the ancestors.”. On her way to a dance at ...

  7. Introduction. Dorothy West 1907–-1998. American short story writer, novelist, and journalist. One of several African-American writers who contributed to the Harlem Renaissance during the 1920s ...

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