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  1. Ginjal. Ginjal dilihat dari belakang (tulang rusuk dihilangkan). Ginjal atau buah pinggang adalah organ ekskresi dalam vertebrata yang berbentuk mirip kacang. Dalam manusia dewasa, ukuran ginjal sekitar 11 sentimeter panjangnya. Ginjal menerima darah dari sepasang arteri renalis, dan darah keluar lewat vena renalis.

  2. Renal infarction is a medical condition caused by an abrupt disruption of the renal blood flow in either one of the segmental branches or the major ipsilateral renal artery. [3] Patients who have experienced an acute renal infarction usually report sudden onset flank pain, which is often accompanied by fever, nausea, and vomiting.

  3. The vessel may sometimes arise from the (ipsilateral) renal artery, or (ipsilateral) inferior phrenic artery.: 1240 Function. The middle suprarenal artery supplies the adrenal gland. Clinical significance. The middle suprarenal artery may be assessed using Doppler ultrasound. History

  4. MeSH. D015901. [ edit on Wikidata] Digital subtraction angiography ( DSA) is a fluoroscopy technique used in interventional radiology to clearly visualize blood vessels in a bony or dense soft tissue environment. Images are produced using contrast medium by subtracting a "pre-contrast image" or mask from subsequent images, once the contrast ...

  5. 14773. Anatomical terminology. [ edit on Wikidata] In human anatomy, the splenic artery or lienal artery, an older term, is the blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the spleen. It branches from the celiac artery, and follows a course superior to the pancreas. It is known for its tortuous path to the spleen.

  6. Mar 11, 2024 · In particular, contrast injection into the renal arteries, categorized as intra-arterial injection with first pass renal exposure, is a risk factor for contrast-induced acute kidney injury in ...

  7. Spesialisasi. Bedah saraf. Malformasi arteri-vena (MAV) ( Inggris: Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM)) adalah kondisi abnormal dari arteri dan vena yang saling terhubung tanpa diperantarai oleh kapiler. Malformasi arteri-vena dapat terjadi tanpa gejala hingga memunculkan rasa nyeri yang hebat, perdarahan, atau memicu masalah medis berat.

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