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  1. Max Katzman [1] invented the first electric vaporizer (original U.S. patent no. 1,628,784, issued May 17, 1927) and, in 1926, he founded Kaz, Incorporated to manufacture and market it.

  2. Zubný kaz. Zubný kaz (lat. caries dentis) je choroba tvrdých zubných tkanív, ktorá sa prejavuje rozpadom skloviny a zuboviny.. Zubný kaz spôsobujú ústne mikroorganizmy, tzv. kariogénne mikroorganizmy, najčastejšie druhy Streptococcus mutans a Streptococcus sobrinus.

  3. Mar 2, 2023 · Zubný kaz je bežné ochorenie zubov. Ide o získaný defekt zubného tkaniva. Toto ochorenie je známe už dlho. Avšak, jeho výskyt stúpa najmä počas posledných sto rokov. Dôsledkom sú zmeny v stravovacom režime ľudí. Vznik kazu je podmienený mnohými faktormi, prevenciou, zložením jedálnička, ale najmä nedostatočnou hygienou ústnej dutiny a starostlivosťou o zuby.

  4. Mar 26, 2024 · The KAZ Typing Tutor (Visit Product Website) is advanced skills developing software for learning to type fast and learn the keyboard from A to Z.KAZ is widely used by individuals and businesses as well as in schools, universities, organizations and governments.

  5. 2 days ago · KAZ's inclusive Mainstream and SEN/Dyslexia touch typing software have proven so effective that it has been nominated for several academic awards.

  6. At Kaz Vision & Laser Center, you’ll find a complete range of eyewear products to choose from.Whether you’re looking for prescription eyewear or simply a stylish accessory, our experienced staff can help match you with a pair that look and feel great with quality prescription optics.

  7. "My mother is Ketterdam. She birthed me in the harbor. And my father is profit. I honor him daily." — Kaz Brekker, Crooked Kingdom Kaz Brekker is the leader of the Dregs, a prominent gang in the city of Ketterdam. He is one of the protagonists of the Six of Crows duology. Born Kaz Rietveld, he was raised on a farm near Lij with his father and older brother Jordie Rietveld. When Kaz was nine ...

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