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  1. Warning: Spoilers Off applies to Awesome pages. Proceed at your own risk. Yes, that is a giant gorilla fighting a half-human shark...Just a normal day on The Flash. Season One The flashback that shows a child Barry getting beaten up by some …

  2. Title Character. The Flashes ( Barry Allen | Wally West) Supporting Characters. The Flash Family | Other Speedsters. Rogues Gallery. Evil Speedsters | The Reverse-Flashes ( Eobard Thawne | Hunter Zolomon) | The Rogues. open/close all folders.

  3. Acting for Two: Ezra Miller plays Barry Allen and an alternate Barry Allen from another universe. And a third Barry (a future version of the alternate one) who became Dark Flash. Actor-Shared Background: Nora Allen clearly has a Spanish background. Her actress, Maribel Verdú, is from Spain. Approval of God:

  4. The true return of the fastest man alive. "Sorry I'm late." — Wally West, the Flash. The Flash is a comic book series published by DC Comics as part of the DC Infinite Frontier initiative, retaining its legacy numbering (hence the name of this page), with this run proper beginning at issue #768. It is initially written by Jeremy Adams and ...

  5. For instance, when the Flash's allies were searching for the Turtle (who kidnapped the Flash), she used it as an excuse to attack a random pedestrian wearing an "I love turtles" shirt. The Smurfette Principle: Lisa was the only female Rogue for a long, long time. The Starscream: Usurps Captain Cold as leader of the Rogues in the New 52.

  6. The Flash was a 1990 live-action TV series based on the comic book character of the same name, starring John Wesley Shipp in the title role. Central City police scientist Barry Allen is caught in a freak lab accident involving a bolt of lightning and several random chemicals on a shelf; the bizarre combination alters his body chemistry ...

  7. BATMAN. It's not just his own secret identity at risk, it's the secret identities of the rest of the Justice League. And his plans on how to kill them all. Dark Flash had to create a time paradox just to bring himself into existence. Now remember that the Flash had to actively remove that fated can of tomatoes from Nora's shopping cart just to ...

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