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  1. If treated with care and respect, over time, our logos will lead to greater recognition for the university. This recognition enhances our ability to recruit faculty, staff, and students; engage alumni; and attract external support. Logos should be recognized and remembered by anyone who sees them.

  2. The marks of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette are owned and registered by the University. The University secured federal protection for the University fleur-de-lis logo based on the logo’s unique shape and shading.

  3. The University’s name and all University logos are owned by the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. All University logos are protected by trademarks and/or federal registrations.

  4. So, we must speak with one voice. This brand guide is a tool that can help us convey a united image. It can’t cover every circumstance. But it provides standards for the most common uses of the Universitys name and logos, such as apparel and printed material.

  5. Our brand is about consistently expressing the essence of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Any company that wishes to manufacture items that use the University's name or logos must be licensed by the University.

  6. Office of Communications & Marketing University Advancement ...

  7. The University is reopening the vault to usher in some of our most iconic logos from the eighties and nineties!

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