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  1. Dec 8, 2019 · All of these studies can be summarized into a handful of bullets: Bucks can increase range and movement during the rut. Mature bucks can decrease movement and focus on doe-rich areas. Moon phase does not impact deer movement. Breeding is determined by photoperiod (day length) Buck movement is highest at dusk and dawn.

  2. Nov 14, 2016 · Another reason you might not be seeing bucks during the rut is because you aren’t out there at the right time. A posting on Penn State University’s Deer Blog showed collared bucks daytime rut movements were the least from 8 to 11 a.m., but comparatively high from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. What impact does hunting pressure have on deer movements?

  3. Nov 12, 2018 · During the rut, the best thing to do is keep it simple by focusing on the basics – does and funnels. If you’re not hunting pinch points of some kind or an area that should have does, consider rethinking your plan. If you’re sticking to these basics though, just keep after it. If you’re in the right area, you just need to grind it out.

  4. Aug 27, 2013 · Bucks are individuals. Every buck is different. Numerous studies have shown that a buck’s home range size is highly variable and is not strongly correlated to age, daily movements or any number of other factors. Mature bucks are not clones of one another, and many display more individualistic behavior than what was previously thought.

  5. Mar 21, 2011 · Some bucks may require a hot doe to get them moving in daylight, while other bucks may require a different stimulus. Some bucks will move right before a major storm, especially during the late season. Other bucks may be moving at mid-day but not during the traditional prime deer movement and hunting periods.

  6. Oct 24, 2023 · While the general consensus is the chase phase is the best time to be in the woods, that can work against you. Bucks are more predictable in the pre-rut, but you have to give them time. If you’re going to dive into the cover and hunt someplace new, give it the requisite hours.

  7. Apr 20, 2021 · An overall lack of moisture will obviously increase its attractiveness. Also, keep your eye on the thermometer. Daytime highs above 50 degrees will prompt deer to seek water. When It Works: The pre-rut through the rut is best. When deciding whether to sit over a water source, first make sure deer are using it.

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