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  1. My run of splendid Preston Sturges films in this 7-disc box set ends here at number six, with the disappointing biopic drama – confusingly marketed as a comedy by Paramount Pictures – The Great Moment. Studio edits, historical disagreements, and a director already looking for his way out lead to a muddled and uninteresting movie that hardly ...

  2. May 9, 2013 · Baz Luhrmann's adaptation of "The Great Gatsby" isn't a disaster. Every frame is sincere. Its miscalculations come from a wish to avoid embalming a classic novel in "respectfulness" — a worthy goal, in theory. It boasts the third most imaginative use of 3D I've seen recently, after "U2 3D" and "Hugo." It's a technological and aesthetic lab that has four or five experiments cooking in each ...

  3. Sep 29, 2023 · The movie is always spectacular to watch, thanks to dazzling visuals from cinematographers Greig Fraser (“Dune,” “The Batman,” Edwards’ “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story”) and Oren Soffer. And the first hour or so offers some thrilling moments of action and inspired world-building.

  4. Mar 25, 2021 · There are many here among us for whom the prospect of spending 90 minutes in the presence of William Shatner would be unalloyed bliss. The world is a funny place. In any event, for them, “Senior ...

  5. Nov 21, 2018 · The term “suspension of disbelief” was coined by the poet and philosopher Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1817. Coleridge suggested that if a writer could create a “human interest and a semblance ...

  6. Jan 28, 2012 · Francesco Rosi’s The Moment of Truth comes to Blu-ray from Criterion with a stunning new 1080p/24hz high-definition digital transfer presenting the film in its original aspect ratio of about 2.35:1 on a dual-layer disc. The source can limit the presentation mildly but the digital transfer itself is almost pristine.

  7. Mar 4, 2016 · The odd Sturges film out, a more or less serious biopic of WTG Morton, the Boston dentist who accidentally discovered the use of ether as an anaesthetic in 1846

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