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  1. Nov 6, 2020 · Dachau Became a Model for Nazi Concentration Camps. When Dachau opened in 1933, the notorious Nazi war criminal Heinrich Himmler christened it “the first concentration camp for political ...

  2. The entire Nazi food system began collapsing in the final year of the war. 1. The featured Nazi propaganda film about rickets —"The English Disease"—was made in 1941. The film explains how sunlight and proper nutrition can help prevent children from getting rickets, which occurs when insufficient amounts of Vitamin D are absorbed into the body.

  3. Critically Analyzing Propaganda. This lesson provides an opportunity for students to dialogue and reflect on the ways in which propaganda affected society during the Holocaust and how it continues to affect people today. They will synthesize and understand how and why Nazi propaganda worked through an opportunity to practice critical analysis ...

  4. Nazi Posters: 1933-1939. 1. This poster announces a Nazi meeting in Berlin on 23 February 1933, less than a month after Hitler took power. The title of the speech is: “Let Hitler work!”. Courtesy of the University of Minnesota Library. 2. This poster for the March 1933 election is captioned: “Hitler Builds.”.

  5. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum partnered with The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme to produce a set of 16 posters based on the Museum's exhibition State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda. The exhibition examines how the Nazis used propaganda to win broad voter support in Germany’s young democracy after ...

  6. The Nazi Party’s meteoric rise to power began in 1930, when it attained 107 seats in Germany’s parliament, the Reichstag. In July 1932, the Nazi Party became the largest political party in the Reichstag with 230 representatives. 2. In the final years of the Weimar Republic (1930 to 1933), the government ruled by emergency decree because it ...

  7. Nazi propaganda poster. Nazi propaganda poster warning Germans about the dangers of east European "subhumans." Germany, date uncertain.

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