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  1. Jun 9, 2017 · Jesus ends his story by pronouncing the aphorism that summarizes the parable’s meaning: “For many are called, but few are chosen” (Matt. 22:14). The Called To understand this pithy closing statement is to understand the parable as a whole.

  2. Dec 4, 2023 · What does “Many are called but few are chosen” in Matthew 22:14 mean? Answer. This statement is the conclusion to the Parable of the Wedding Feast. Jesus spoke this parable to show what the kingdom of heaven will be like when the end of the age comes. In the parable, the king sends his servants out to gather the wedding guests to the wedding feast.

  3. For many are called, but few are chosen. Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might entangle him in his talk. And they sent out unto him their disciples with the Herodians, saying, Master, ...

  4. Context. The Parable of the Banquet … 13 Then the king told the servants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ 14 For many are called, but few are chosen.” 15 Then the Pharisees went out and conspired to trap Jesus in His words.… Berean Standard Bible · Download.

  5. Jan 26, 2024 · What does "Many are called but few are chosen" in the Bible? This verse is recorded in Matthew 22:14 and spoken by Jesus. Let's take a deeper look at it's meaning within the Parable of the Wedding Feast.

  6. Nov 7, 2023 · Many people hear Jesus’ message; fewer follow their hearts to receive its great blessings. Many are called, but few are chosen—and few receive a life in Christ. As with the people invited to the king’s banquet who did not attend, many people miss the opportunity to respond to God’s calling.

  7. In the parable of the wedding feast Jesus tells us that many are called but few are chosen. What is the calling? Who can become chosen by God?

  8. Many are called, but few are chosen - Our Saviour often uses this expression. It was probably proverbial. The Jews had been called, but few of them had been chosen to life. The great mass of the nation was wicked, and they showed by their lives that they were not chosen to salvation.

  9. Jesus concludes by saying that many are called to come and participate, but few are chosen to stay. In a later passage, Jesus will refer several times to a chosen group called "the elect" (Matthew 24:22, 24, 31).

  10. Jun 10, 2016 · The “chosen” are saved, but many are “called” who may not be “chosen.” “Many are called, but few are chosen.” So what is clear is that in Matthew’s terminology the “called” is simply the general appeal to the world to come to the banquet.

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