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  1. Charles Taylor is a philosopher of broad reach and many talents, but his most striking talent is a gift for interpreting different traditions, cultures and philosophies to one another…[This book is] full of good things.” —New York Times Book ReviewEverywhere we hear talk of decline, of a world that was better once, maybe fifty years ago, maybe centuries ago, but certainly before ...

  2. Charles Taylor The inaugural recipient of the Berggruen Prize was the distinguished Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor, whose work urges us to see humans as constituted not only by their biology or their personal intentions but also by their existence within language and webs of meaningful relationships.

  3. Charles Taylor (b. 1931–), Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at McGill University, is a key figure in several intellectual debates. He is the author of numerous books, including The Explanation of Behaviour (Routledge & Kegan Paul 1964), Philosophical Papers (2 vols. Cambridge University Press 1985), Sources of the Self (Harvard University Press 1989), Philosophical Arguments (Harvard ...

  4. Born in 1931 in Montreal, Canada, Charles Taylor ranks among the world’s most wide-ranging and influential writers in contemporary philosophy. Known for his contributions to political philosophy, the philosophy of social science, the history of philosophy, and intellectual history, Taylor is the author of more than 20 books and more than 500 articles. His work […]

  5. Among the most influential of twentieth-century philosophers, Taylor writes on human agency, identity and the self; language; epistemology; interpretation and explanation in social science; ethics; multiculturalism, and democratic politics.

  6. One of the most important thinkers Canada has produced, Charles Taylor (BA ‘52) is that rare philosopher who attempts to put his ideas into practice. His writings have been translated into 20 languages, and have covered a range of subjects that include artificial intelligence, language, social behaviour, morality and multiculturalism. A pupil of Isaiah Berlin at Oxford, Taylor taught at ...

  7. It currently includes 27 original books or essay collections, 7 co-authored books, 2 co-edited books, over 400 articles, and over 2000 secondary books and articles, including more than 60 books and journal issues dedicated all or in part to assessing Taylor's thought. Taylor's works have been translated into at least 23 languages.

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