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  1. Who were the immigrants in America during the 19th century? During the 19th century in America, there was a significant influx of immigrants from various parts of the world. Millions of people from Europe, particularly Ireland and Germany, migrated to the United States seeking better economic opportunities and escaping political instability and ...

  2. Dec 10, 2015 · Built in the early 1900s, prairie barns would have entrances along the ends, and are very open in design. Dutch Barn The majority of Dutch barns were built in upstate New York, New Jersey, and ...

  3. Explain that by the turn of the century reduced work hours gave many Americans leisure time, and higher wages gave them the means with which to explore new forms of entertainment. To provide historical context, explain that by 1900 there were more than 29 million people in the American workforce. This included men, women, and children.

  4. Psychiatric Hospitals & Asylums in 1950s America 1953, 720p. What were the perceptions of mental illness during the 19th century? During the 19th century, the perceptions of mental illness were largely misunderstood and stigmatized. Mental illnesses were often seen as moral failings or signs of weakness rather than medical conditions.

  5. Mar 27, 2007 · Paved roads were few and far between in the early 1900s, and the U.S. had barely begun to scratch the surface of what would become the navigable transportation and highway systems we are familiar with today. From iron to mud. During the second half of the 19th century, railroads dominated the transportation industry.

  6. Middle-class households prioritized cleanliness, and hygiene routines became a part of daily life. The 19th century witnessed significant changes in personal hygiene practices in America. The evolving landscape of personal hygiene was driven by factors such as advancements in science, industrialization, and changing social norms.

  7. What were the factors that led to the influx of immigration to America in the late 19th century? The influx of immigration to America in the late 19th century was driven by several factors: 1. Economic opportunities: The United States was experiencing rapid industrialization and economic growth during this period, creating a high demand for ...

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