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  1. I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having ...

  2. The Quick and the Dead has an underrated Russel Crowe Performance🔥 Buy or rent the movie NOW https... Killing a man is hard, doing it in one shot is harder.

    • 4 min
    • 1.4M
    • Boxoffice Movie Scenes
  3. Herod (Gene Hackman), Mayor and ruler of Redemption, has turned his town into a haven for thugs and miscreants of every type. In return for his 'leniency', he keeps 50 cents on every dollar traded by the unsavoury group. Each year, in order to weed out rivals and to protect his position of power, Herod holds a shooting contest, which attracts people from miles around, including his son, "The ...

  4. Feb 17, 1995 · The Quick and the Dead was directed by Sam Raimi, the gonzo B-movie prankster who made Darkman and the Evil Dead trilogy, and for a while he piles on the Western cliches with such knowing density ...

  5. Dec 31, 2020 · The Quick and the Dead [Blu-ray] [4K UHD] : Sharon Stone, Gene Hackman, Russell Crowe, Leonardo Di Caprio, Roberts Blossom, Sam Raimi, Allen Shapiro, Patrick Markey, Joshua Donen, Indie Prod.

  6. Gloriously funny and wonderfully serious, The Quick and the Dead limns the vagaries of love, the thirst for meaning, and the peculiar paths by which all creatures are led to their destiny. A panorama of contemporary life and an endlessly surprising tour de force: penetrating and magical, ominous and comic, this is the most astonishing book yet ...

  7. The Quick and the Dead is a film directed by Sam Raimi with Sharon Stone, Gene Hackman, Russell Crowe, Leonardo DiCaprio .... Year: 1995. Original title: The Quick and the Dead. Synopsis: Sharon Stone stars as Ellen, a beautiful gunslinger with a cloudy past.

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