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  1. Office of the University Registrar Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599 Feedback? Contact The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Catalog is updated once yearly during the early spring and is published on June 1. For archiving and legal purposes, it serves as a static record of the upcoming academic year.

  2. Transfer Application. Transfer Application. If you’ve taken any college coursework after graduating from high school, you’ll apply to Carolina as a transfer student. Around 700 transfer students choose Carolina each year, and our transfer students travel many roads to get here. Your academic record should show us all the challenges you’ve ...

  3. is part of the Division of Enrollment at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Office Address. Jackson Hall 174 Country Club Road Chapel Hill, NC 27514.

  4. 北卡罗来纳大学查珀尔希尔校区 (英語: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ,又译 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山校区 、 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 ,英语简称 UNC 、 UNC-Chapel HillChapel HillNorth CarolinaCarolina )是一所 男女同校 的公立 研究型大學 ,位於 美国 ...

  5. Academics. Carolina students come here with the courage to ask big questions and the resourcefulness and ingenuity to seek answers. We’re all in this together. Carolina faculty and staff have built a campus community with everything you need to sharpen skills, explore interests, discover talents, and challenge limits.

  6. is part of the Division of Enrollment at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Office Address. Jackson Hall 174 Country Club Road Chapel Hill, NC 27514.

  7. UNC-Chapel Hill is a global leader known for its innovative teaching and groundbreaking research. As the oldest public university in the United States, Carolina has played a pivotal role in building a stronger, more diversified economy for the people of North Carolina and beyond. UNC’s online learning experiences are designed so that ...

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