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  1. Diego Velázquez, önarckép (1643) 1629–31 között Rómában tartózkodott. Ott festette meg Vulcanus műhelye című képét (Prado), amely rendkívüli festői finomodásról tanúskodik, itt keletkezett két tájképi tanulmánya, amelyek a maguk fénytől áthatott frissességükkel egészen új törekvésekről adnak számot.

  2. Apr 12, 2024 · Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar (born c. 1465, Cuéllar, Spain—died 1524, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba) was a conquistador and the first Spanish governor of Cuba. Velázquez sailed to the New World in 1493 on the second voyage of Christopher Columbus. Columbus’ eldest son, Diego Columbus, later entrusted Velázquez with the conquest of Cuba under ...

  3. Diego Velázquez es considerado uno de los artistas más importantes del barroco español. A continuación, se presentan sus siete principales logros. Desarrollo de un estilo realista y naturalista en su pintura. Composiciones innovadoras y juegos de luces y sombras. Pintura de retratos y escenas de la vida cotidiana.

  4. Diego Velázquez - Spanish Painter, Court Artist, Baroque: In 1622, a year after Philip IV came to the throne, Velázquez visited Madrid for the first time, in the hope of obtaining royal patronage. He painted a portrait of the poet Luis de Góngora (1622), but there was no opportunity of portraying the king or queen. In the following year he was recalled to Madrid by the prime minister, Count ...

  5. Oct 1, 2023 · Diego Velázquez, è uno dei pittori più celebri e influenti del periodo barocco spagnolo. Nato il 6 giugno 1599 a Siviglia, in Spagna, Velázquez crebbe in una famiglia di nobili origini. Fin da giovane dimostrò un talento straordinario per la pittura, suscitando l’attenzione di artisti locali e mentori che riconobbero il suo potenziale.

  6. Diego Velázquez. (Baptised Seville, 6 June 1599; died Madrid, 6 August 1660). The greatest painter of the Spanish School, chiefly renowned as one of the supreme portraitists in world art. He spent most of his career at the court in Madrid, but he grew up in Seville, where in 1610/11 he was apprenticed to Pacheco (possibly following a brief ...

  7. Feb 28, 2022 · This complex oil painting by Diego Velázquez is an incredibly nuanced depiction of life in the court of King Philip IV of Spain. Perhaps one of the most important paintings in all of Western art history, this masterpiece from 1656 continues to influence artists today. The title, which translates to Ladies in Waiting, is a turning point in art ...

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