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  1. Feb 9, 2024 · In Zen Buddhism, a Bodhisattva is a being who seeks enlightenment not only for himself but also for the benefit of all sentient beings. Central to this concept is the Bodhisattva spirit, which is fundamentally a spirit of service and altruism. This spirit is characterized by a profound commitment to help others on their path to enlightenment ...

  2. Dec 21, 2020 · Ever since Buddhism was first introduced to Japan in the mid-6th century, the process of blending Buddhism with Shintō has dominated the religious life of the people up to the present. There is no exact agreement about the extent of the fusion of the two. After Buddhism entered Japan, the term Shinto was introduced to distinguish the beliefs ...

  3. Nov 21, 2023 · Zen Buddhism is a practice in attaining enlightenment and Nirvana through the realization of one's inner Buddha. Practices that are used within Zen include meditation, deep work, and koans.

  4. A little history of Zen Buddhism Zen grew from the experience of Shakyamuni Buddha, who realised awakening in the posture of dhyana ( zazen, Zen meditation) in India in the 5th century BCE. This experience has since been transmitted uninterrupted, from master to disciple, creating the zen lineage. After it had been established in India for almost 1000 years, the monk Bodhidharma took the ...

  5. There is no dogma or doctrine. Zen is the direct experience of what we might call ultimate reality, or the absolute, yet it is not separate from the ordinary, the relative. This direct experience is our birthright. The practice of zazen—meditation—is a way of realizing the non-dualistic, vibrant, subtle, and interconnected nature of all life.

  6. Apr 21, 2018 · Shinto is the oldest surviving and widely practiced Japanese religion. It’s animistic in nature, meaning that Shinto subscribers believe every object – from humans to trees to rivers – possess a kind of spirit or soul. Shinto practitioners built and dedicated shrines to these kami – rocks, mountains, and other things they believed to be ...

  7. Of the many ways to practice Zen Buddhism, perhaps the most iconic is zazen, which literally means “sitting Zen” but is often referred to as “Zen meditation.”. In zazen, practitioners sit on a cushion in a formalized posture with a straight back, eyes half open, and legs crossed onto the opposite thigh in what is called the full-lotus ...

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