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  1. (1880–1944). German general Ludwig Beck served as chief of the army general staff from 1935 to 1938. As such, he opposed Adolf Hitler’s expansionist policies. Beck was a…

  2. Ludwig Beck was a german General who served as Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces between 1935 and 1938. He tried to organize resistance to the Führer within the General Staff, but ultimately failed, knowing that he would be executed, chose suicide and at the third attempt succeeded in blowing his brains out, with the help of a German army sergeant.

  3. Ludwig Beck: Ludwig Beck was born the son of industrialist, Ludwig Beck and his wife Bertha (née Draudt) on June 29, 1880 in Biebrich. After finishing school, young Ludwig joined the Prussian army as a commissioned officer.

  4. (1880–1944), anti-Nazi German Army officer who served as a staff officer during the First World War. From October 1933 he was head of the Truppenamt, the clandestine staff organization set ...

  5. Generaloberst Ludwig August Theodor Beck (29. juni 1880 – 20. juli 1944) var chef for den tyske hærs generalstab fra 1935 til 1938. Da han tjente som stabschef for den tyske hær mellem 1935 og 1938, blev Beck i stigende grad desillusioneret og stod i opposition til den stigende totalitarisme i naziregimet og til Hitlers aggressive udenrigspolitik.

  6. Nov 16, 2009 · On this day, the commander of the German Home Army, Gen. Friedrich Fromm, is shot by a firing squad for his part in the July plot to assassinate the Fuhrer.The fact that Fromm’s participation ...

  7. Klaus-Jürgen Müller, einer der namhaftesten Militär- und Zeithistoriker Deutschlands, legt seine seit langem erwartete große Biographie über Ludwig Beck vor.

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