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  1. About Masaryk University. We believe that education is not just a matter of age or social status. We actively support research. We are open-minded and dedicated to influencing the lives of people around us. We have been creating a smarter world since 1919. Historical timeline Future plans.

  2. Po dvou letech intenzivních příprav zavádí Masarykova univerzita jako jedna z prvních univerzit v Evropě takzvané mikrocertifikáty, které přináší velkou změnu do celoživotního vzdělávání. Do konce semestru jich univerzita vydá téměř dvě stovky. Učení v tandemu, nebo zážitkově? Festival dobré výuky ukázal řadu ...

  3. February intake: 15 July – 15 November. How to apply. For detailed information on the application process, please see the faculty website. Admission requirements. Applicants must submit the following documents: e-application. secondary school certificate or proof of current studies. proof of English certificate. ID or passport copy.

  4. Degree programmes implemented by Masaryk University are accessible to persons with disabilities unless otherwise indicated in information on a specific degree programme. Should you have any questions regarding the accessibility of individual degree programmes, please contact the Office for Studies at the Support Centre for Students with Special ...

  5. Masaryk University has new spin-off: AI|ffinity . Last week, Masaryk University’s 20th spin-off company was founded. AI|ffinity has gained a licence for software that uses artificial intelligence to determine the structure of biomolecules all the way down to the atomic level.

  6. 網站. www .muni .cz. 位置. 马萨里克大学 ( 捷克語 : Masarykova univerzita ), 捷克共和国 布尔诺 市的一所大学,成立于1919年,为该国规模第二大大学,仅次于首都布拉格的 查理大学 。. 该校有学生42,182名。. 校名得名于 捷克斯洛伐克 第一任总统 托马斯·马萨里克 ...

  7. Data Analytics. Bachelor's degree in combined form. The language of instruction is English. The programme can be studied only as a single subject . Tuition fee is €14,000 per academic year. Submit an application. Submission deadline until midnight 15 August 2024 .

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