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  1. ロマン・ロラン(Romain Rolland, 1866年 1月29日 - 1944年 12月30日)は、フランスの小説家、評論家。理想主義的ヒューマニズム、平和主義、反ファシズムを掲げて戦争反対を世界に叫び続け、フランスでは評価されなかったが国際的に多くの知友を持った。

  2. Romain Rolland (n. 29 ianuarie 1866, Clamecy, Bourgogne, Franța – d. 30 decembrie 1944, Vézelay, Bourgogne, Franța) a fost un scriitor francez, laureat al Premiului Nobel pentru Literatură în anul 1915 .

  3. Romain Rolland. The Nobel Prize in Literature 1915. Born: 29 January 1866, Clamecy, France. Died: 30 December 1944, Vézelay, France. Residence at the time of the award: France. Prize motivation: “as a tribute to the lofty idealism of his literary production and to the sympathy and love of truth with which he has described different types of ...

  4. Romain Rolland (January 29, 1866 – December 30, 1944) was a French writer and dramatist, best known as the author of the novel series Jean-Christophe (1904-1912). His first book was published in 1902, when he was already 36 years old.

  5. Ettől fogva Romain Rolland az európai értelmiség körében az egyik humanista szellemi vezérnek számított. Stefan Zweig „A világ lelkiismeretének” nevezte. 1915-ben megkapta az irodalmi Nobel-díjat, amelyet azonnal a Vöröskeresztnek adományozott. Romain Rolland Nobel díja volt a világon a 14. irodalmi Nobel-díj.

  6. Romain Rolland’s masterpiece, for which he has received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1915, is Jean-Christophe. This powerful work describes the development of a character in whom we can recognize ourselves. It shows how an artistic temperament, by raising itself step by step, emerges like a genius above the level of humanity; how a ...

  7. Romain Rolland (Clamecy, 29 de janeiro de 1866 — Vézelay, 30 de dezembro de 1944) foi um novelista, biógrafo e músico francês. Recebeu o Nobel de Literatura de 1915. Carreira. Doutorou-se em arte em 1895, foi professor de História da Arte na École Normale de Paris e professor de História da Música na Sorbonne. Para além da sua ...

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