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  1. Jan 28, 2021 · OPEN TO PUBLIC: Colorful blossoms probably aren't the first association you make with Alcatraz, but believe it or not, the military and prison personnel transformed portions of the island from barren, bird guano encrusted rock to lush gardens. It was after all, their home. Once the prison closed in 1963, the gardens were neglected and overgrown.

  2. Gardens of Alcatraz, San Francisco, CA. Elliot Michener, inmate number AZ- 578 (1941-50) Before and after, west side gardens. For 150 years, a succession of soldiers, families of correction officials, and inmates cultivated gardens hewn on the rocky, windswept island of Alcatraz. For ten years, the Garden Conservancy led the effort to ...

  3. We Hold the Rock. European discovery and exploration of the San Francisco Bay Area and its islands began in 1542 and culminated with the mapping of the bay in 1775. Early visitors to the Bay Area were preceded 10,000 to 20,000 years earlier, however, by the native people indigenous to the area. Prior to the coming of the Spanish and Portuguese ...

  4. We Hold the Rock. European discovery and exploration of the San Francisco Bay Area and its islands began in 1542 and culminated with the mapping of the bay in 1775. Early visitors to the Bay Area were preceded 10,000 to 20,000 years earlier, however, by the native people indigenous to the area. Prior to the coming of the Spanish and Portuguese ...

  5. Alcatraz gardeners needed tough plants that could survive with little water or care. The first ornamental plants that arrived to Alcatraz in the mid 1860s were typically favorite garden plants brought by soldier's families that called Alcatraz home. These plants were Victorian in fashion - roses and vines trained on fences, lilies, and bulbs were arranged in well kept garden beds. Garden ...

  6. Sep 1, 2022 · Kier Holmes September 1, 2022. Alcatraz Island is famous for being a long-ago maximum security prison where Al Capone did time and three infamous prisoners escaped. But that is really only part of the story. The other part is that a resilient and flourishing historic garden thrives on the island in the middle of windy and foggy San Francisco Bay.

  7. Alcatraz reveals stories of American incarceration, justice, and our common humanity. This small island was once a fort, a military prison, and a maximum security federal penitentiary. In 1969, the Indians of All Tribes occupied Alcatraz for 19 months in the name of freedom and Native American civil rights. We invite you to explore Alcatraz's complex history and natural beauty.

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