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  1. Oct 30, 2019 · The Pap (Papanicolaou) Test | Cervical Cancer Screening ...

  2. Abnormal Cervical Cancer Screening Test Results

  3. Sep 27, 2021 · This result is sometimes called ASC-US, which means atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance. The cells didn’t look quite like normal cells, but they couldn’t really be classified ...

  4. Jul 7, 2016 · Diagnostic Approach to Patients with Atypical Squamous ...

  5. Nov 11, 2023 · Squamous Epithelial Cells: What to Know

  6. Aug 1, 2000 · Understanding Abnormal Cervical Cancer Screening Results

  7. Abnormal Cervical Cancer Screening -- What should you do?

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