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  1. Here is a list of the beliefs and values that Althen (2003) identifies as typically American: individualism, freedom, competitiveness and privacy. equality. informality. the future, change and progress. the goodness of humanity. time. achievement, action, work and materialism. directness and assertiveness.

  2. Aug 1, 2011 · This article examines the relationship between mental illness stigma and culture for Americans of American Indian, Asian, African, Latino, Middle Eastern, and European descent. In this review, culture refers to the shared beliefs, values, and norms of a given racial or ethnic group.

  3. At its core, European culture values a unique and decon-textualized individual who is egalitarian and committed to the welfare of others. These European values appear to play a role at the individual as well as the national level, so that threats to the value of egalitarianism reduce identification with Europe.

  4. Jan 1, 2015 · Idang African culture and values. procedures, food processing or greeting patterns) is related to the whole system. It is. in this respect that we can see that even a people’s technology is part ...

  5. Abstract. Objectives This study explores the relationships of individualistic (e.g., competition, material success) and collectivistic values (e.g., familism, respect) with risky and prosocial behavior among African-American and European-Americanyouth. While previous work has focused upon immigrant adolescents, this study expands the research ...

  6. If beliefs about time represent an etic factor, respondents from all three groups should report similar beliefs. If the larger culture is an important emic influence, the two American samples should be the most similar, and both should be different from the African sample. If biological factors are the more important

  7. Jun 21, 2018 · What, if any, are the common cultural characteristics that distinguish European societies and groups when viewed against a backdrop of global cultural variation? We sought to identify any shared features of European cultures through secondary multilevel analyses of two large datasets that together provided measures of cultural values, beliefs, and models of selfhood from samples in all ...

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