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  1. Sep 28, 2019 · Mary Ellen Marcy (Nelly) McClellan From A to Z - Women :us34stars: Born: May 6, 1835 Birthplace: Green Bay, Wisconsin Father: Brig. General Randolph Barnes Marcy 1812 – 1887 (Buried: Riverview Cemetery, Trenton, New Jersey) Mother: Mary Ametia Mann 1815 – 1878 Husband: Major General George...

  2. Union general George B. McClellan poses with his wife, Ellen Marcy. In 1855 McClellan began to court Marcy, whose other suitors included McClellans old West Point friend, the future Confederate general A. P. Hill. Her father, Randolph Marcy, an Army officer, had for a time been McClellans commander in the West.

  3. May 15, 2023 · Mary Marcy McClellan (1861 - 1945) - She lived and died in France. She married and had children, but there is not much known about her life. George Brinton McClellan Jr. (1865 - 1940) - He was born after the Civil War while his parents were touring Europe. He graduated from the College of New Jersey (Princeton) in 1886, became a newspaper ...

  4. Carte de visite photograph of George Brinton McClellan and his wife, Mary Elly Marcy (Nelly) McClellan taken by R.W. Addis of Washington, DC. George McClellan served as a General during the Civil War and candidate for President in 1864.

  5. George B. McClellan og Ellen Mary Marcy McClellan McClellan tog sin afsked fra hæren den 16. januar 1857 og udnyttede sine erfaringer med vurdering af jernbaner og blev overingeniør og vicepræsident i Illinois Central Railroad og derpå præsident for Ohio and Mississippi Railroad i 1860.

  6. Nov 9, 2009 · George B. McClellan: Early Life . George Brinton McClellan was born on December 3, 1826, into an affluent family in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ... McClellan met and wed Mary Ellen Marcy, the ...

  7. George B. McClellan and his wife Ellen Mary Marcy George B. McClellan, known as “Little Mac” and “Little Napoleon,” was the Union General who served as both Commander of the Army of the Potomac and General in Chief after the resignation of General Winfield Scott (whom McClellan circumvented) in November 1861.

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