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  1. Jun 25, 2019 · Worshiping a Single God. Jews, Christians, and Muslims all seek to worship a single god who created the universe and humanity and hence might come to think that they, therefore, do in fact all worship the same god. However, anyone who studies those three religions will find that how they describe and conceive of that creator god varies ...

  2. Aug 14, 1985 · An Orthodox scholar recently observed that there are basically three views that Christians have taken with regard to non-Christian religions. The first is that the non-Christian will be damned because there is no salvation outside the visible Body of Christ, the Church, The second is that the non-Christian may be saved in spite the religion he ...

  3. A Muslim is one who follows Islam. Marriage. A Holy Sacrament. Islam is totally opposed to monasticism and celibacy. Marriage is an act of Sunnah in Islam and is strongly recommended. Men can only marry the "people of the book" i.e., Abrahamic religions. Women can only marry a Muslim man.

  4. Maitri is considered to be a compassionate love that exists through kindness for all. Shringara is a romantic love, specifically the intimacy found between romantic partners. Finally, Kama is a love stirred by attraction and sexual desire. Buddhism. Buddhism has four elements of what is considered to be true love.

  5. Jun 25, 2019 · Founded By: Mary Baker Eddy, 1879. Christian Scientists believe the Trinity is life, truth, and love. As an impersonal principle, God is the only thing that truly exists. Everything else (matter) is an illusion. Jesus, though not God, is the Son of God. He was the promised Messiah but was not a deity.

  6. Apr 15, 2015 · However, there are key differences between Orthodox Christianity and other Christian denominations. Here are five ways Eastern Orthodox differs from other Christian denominations: 1. The Authority of the Pope: Unlike Catholics, Orthodox Christians reject the authority of the pope as Christ's representative on earth.

  7. Aug 24, 2021 · In the Gospel, the Lord Jesus Christ commanded to His apostles, “go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19). Islam is silent on the inner nature of God and negates the knowability of God in principle. It rejects the Christian doctrine of the Holy ...

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