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  1. 8 hours ago · As the Royal Flying Doctor Service celebrates 25 years in Dubbo, a nurse who has been there for the entire journey reflects on the extraordinary commitment to rural and remote communities. The ...

  2. 8 hours ago · The Royal Flying Doctor Service in Western Australia was proud to host its first Indigenous nursing student as part of a new partnership with Murdoch University. Third-year nursing student, Camille Talbot, recently completed a four-week placement with the RFDS to learn more about emergency medicine in an aeromedical setting. RFDS WA’s Head of ...

  3. 7 hours ago · A mischievous bird, nicknamed “Steven Seagull” by his victims, has been officially banned from a British convenience store after more than six years of flying off with bags of chips. BBC ...

  4. 8 hours ago · The non-flying doctors: waarom juist artsen niet achteloos de wereld zouden moeten overvliegen. Maak een einde aan al die vliegreisjes van artsen naar medische congressen, vinden vijf artsen en hoogleraren die zich daar samen hard voor maken. ‘Ik zou niet weten waarom ik naar een congres in de VS zou moeten.’

  5. 8 hours ago · Despite the efforts of royal surgeons Ambroise Paré and Andreas Vesalius, the court doctors ultimately "advocated a wait-and-see strategy"; as a result, the king's untreated eye and brain damage led to his death by sepsis ten days later. His death played a significant role in the decline of jousting as a sport, particularly in France.

  6. 8 hours ago · Keeping the doctor away. United Airline ’s new sick leave policy requires flight attendants who call out sick on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays to provide a doctor's note when they do so. According to a statement issued by the US Department of Labor, it has received multiple inquiries and was prompted to investigate: “Through numerous ...

  7. 8 hours ago · Ein emotionaler Roman um eine junge Krankenschwester, die im Australien der 1940er-Jahre ihren Weg im Leben findet. Ein in sich abgeschlossener Roman um die »Fliegenden Ärzte«. Weitere Formate. Hardcover 22,00 €. Rezensionen.

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