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  1. 23 hours ago · In information theory, the entropy of a random variable is the average level of "information", "surprise", or "uncertainty" inherent to the variable's possible outcomes. Given a discrete random variable , which takes values in the alphabet and is distributed according to , the entropy is. where denotes the sum over the variable's possible values.

  2. 23 hours ago · The Latest published market study on Global Naval Surveillance Radar Market provides an overview of the current market dynamics in the Naval Surveillance

  3. 23 hours ago · 我们选择交叉熵损失函数(Cross Entropy Loss)作为模型训练的损失函数,并使用Adam优化器进行优化。 criterion = nn. CrossEntropyLoss optimizer = optim. Adam (model. parameters (), lr = 0.001) 步骤 5:训练模型. 我们使用定义的预训练模型对CIFAR-10数据集进行训练。

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