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  1. 8 hours ago · Nebuchadnezzar II

  2. 8 hours ago · King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti reverted back to the original Hindu Advaita god , the field of Brahman ( ATEN ).. King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti were poisoned to death and their nine year old son Tutankhamun was made king to be a puppet of the priests ( to grab power ) so that Egypt can revert back to their multi god system , Amun cult..

  3. 8 hours ago · 1. Lord of the Flies() 2. The genre of Lord of the Flies is: 3. 2.The island, in the Lord of Flies, on which the boys are stranded after a plane crash, is shaped like 4. century, attested in patristic writings of the 2nd century; over time, Sunday thus came to be known as Lord's

  4. 8 hours ago · 约西亚后来在与法老的战斗中牺牲了,埃及人终于又占领了他们垂涎已久的耶路撒冷。抢走了大量的金钱后,埃及人任命了一个 傀儡国王约雅敬 (Jehoiakim,约西亚的哥哥)。 而此时的法老没有意识到,在犹大国的旁边,一个新兴的帝国正在悄然的崛起。 巴比伦

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