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  1. One of eight emerging filmmakers awarded US$38,400 each at a Macau workshop, Ines Sothea is used to self-funding her short films. She talks about future plans and her novel debut, Rice.

  2. A collaboration between CIL Dialogues and AsianSIL Voices The legacy of the Extraordinary Chambers of the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) is a hotly debated topic. Many commentators applaud the ECCC’s historical achievement of convicting Khieu Samphan, the first head state for the crime of genocide in a region witnessing increasing authoritarianism.

  3. À lire aussi « Funan », une mère face au régime khmer rouge. Seul Paul Thomas, imperturbable, trouve tout cela formidable. Incarnation du déni et de l’aveuglement idéologique dont ont ...

  4. › wiki › 1970s1970s - Wikipedia

    On April 17, 1975, the Khmer Rouge, led by Pol Pot, took over Cambodia's capital Phnom Penh. From 1975 to 1979, the Khmer Rouge carried out the Cambodian genocide that killed nearly two million. On April 13, 1975, the Lebanese Civil War began. In 1978, Zia ul Haq came to power; In 1979, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was hanged in jail; Africa. Idi Amin

  5. There were 1,720 press releases posted in the last 24 hours and 393,475 in the last 365 days.

  6. "Rendez-vous avec Pol Pot", le terrible film de Rithy Panh inspiré d’une histoire vraie, nous amène en 1978 dans l’enfer des Khmers rouges. Rencontre avec le réalisateur de passage à Toulouse.

  7. The Franco-Cambodian filmmaker has climbed the Cannes steps many times, starting in 2002 with S21, la machine de mort Khmère rouge ... The Story of a Self-Genocide. In Cambodia in 1978, ...

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