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  1. 7 hours ago · See Also: Warren Buffett’s Top Executive Ajit Jain Sells Over Half His Berkshire Hathaway Stake For $139M Amid Speculation On Stock Valuation And Kamala Harris’s Tax Policies.

  2. 1 day ago · 巴菲特曾說「可以用我換他」 老副手拋售自家股票逾5成是警訊?. 巴菲特的主要元老副手阿吉特·賈恩(Ajit Jain)近期出售手中持有過半數的自家股票波克夏海瑟威,套現約1.39億美元,引發市場討論公司股價是否已達高點。. (路透). 吳孟峰/核稿編輯. 〔財經 ...

  3. 7 hours ago · 帝国崩解讯号?. 巴菲特老副手抛售白沙股票. (纽约17日讯)股神巴菲特的主要元老副手阿吉特贾恩(Ajit Jain)近期出售手中持有过半数的自家股票白沙公司(Berkshire Hathaway),套现约1.39亿美元(约5.9亿令吉),引发市场讨论公司股价是否已达高点,或是对 ...

  4. 7 hours ago · 連掌管保險事業的波克夏副董事長賈恩(Ajit Jain)在12日也大幅賣出價值1.39億美元波克夏A股。 巴菲特曾表示,目前缺乏具吸引力的併購目標,因此 ...

  5. 7 hours ago · See Also: Warren Buffett’s Top Executive Ajit Jain Sells Over Half His Berkshire Hathaway Stake For $139M Amid Speculation On Stock Valuation And Kamala Harris’s Tax Policies Why It Matters : Interim executive director Russell Downs stated, “The group faces a very challenging time, given the overhang of significant historic losses and its ...

  6. 7 hours ago · Important School Meal Information for the 24-25 School Year. Dear Parent or Guardian: We are pleased to inform you that The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University (TCS @ ODU) will be implementing a new option available to schools participating in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for School Year 2024-2025.

  7. 7 hours ago · 帝国崩解讯号?. 巴菲特老副手抛售白沙股票. (纽约17日讯)股神巴菲特的主要元老副手阿吉特贾恩(Ajit Jain)近期出售手中持有过半数的自家股票白沙公司(Berkshire Hathaway),套现约1.39亿美元(约5.9亿令吉),引发市场讨论公司股价是否已达高点,或是对 ...

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