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  1. Box Angel Food Cake Mix Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Strawberry Cream Angel Food Cake
    A cooking instructor in my 9th grade home ec taught me how to make this, its very simple. I believe its best using a bunt pan, but not those ones with the designs. You can use a box of Angel food cake mix found usually in most stores or any favorite recipe you might have. Usually the only thing you have to add to Angel food Cake Mix is water, but it varies by brand. Included here is ONLY the recipe for the filling and directions on how to fill it. Feel free to substitute with any other fruit, like bananas or blueberries. I suggest looking up alton browns angel food cake recipe for some great tips for angel food cake. Bringing this to an event, but want to try it now? No problem! Save the insides you pull out of the cake and make yourself a trifle, alternating layers of cake, cream and berries in a large glass or small bowl. (You can also do this is disaster strikes with your angel food cake)
    English Trifle with Angel Food Cake
    Although this recipe uses a bit of sherry, the alcohol evaporates overnight. You may simply eliminate it if you don't care for alcohol. Two boxes of custard mix or vanilla pudding mix can be substituted for the pastry cream. However, using the pastry cream makes the dessert quite rich!
    Fluffy Unicorn 'Box' Cake Recipe by Tasty
    This fluffy unicorn cake is a magical and colorful dessert that is sure to impress your guests. The light and fluffy cake is shaped like a unicorn (including the horn!), making this a perfect dessert for any celebration.
    Aluminum Foil-Shaped Holiday Cupcakes
    Food Network
    For these adorable cupcakes in holiday shapes, you don’t need to buy fancy molds or cutters. Simply roll foil into balls and tuck them into standard muffin cups. Using a box mix batter makes them even easier. This recipe makes a pair of the following six iconic holiday shapes: reindeer, gingerbread men, mittens, snowmen, angels and snowflakes. After baking, go to town decorating the cupcakes with frosting, candies and sprinkles. The results are very achievable and oh-so impressive!
    Lunch Box Fun-Due
    From Rachel Ray's Yum-O cookbook. This is a recipe that DD7 picked out to make for us for lunch. :) It fits my requirement that our lunches be healthy and well-balanced. She washed and trimmed the strawberries, peeled the carrots, cut up the cheese, mixed the salsa/dressing, and helped assemble the lunches. A 12 year old could probably make this with just some supervision. The amounts listed are RR's original amounts, but I think unless you are feeding a grown man, this is too much food. Adjust amounts to fit the appetite.
    Angel Food Cupcakes W/Whipped Cream N/Berries
    Found this easy and delicous recipe at a "Betty Crocker" site and it was such a hit with everyone wanted to make sure I saved it. The use of a boxed, white angel food cake mix makes it a breeze to make and looks so impressive