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  1. Unlike subterranean termites, drywood termites eat both across and with the grain of the wood, making clean and smooth galleries. Drywood termites form their galleries up to the surface of the wood, leaving only a thin layer intact.

  2. Feb 21, 2024 · Drywood termites nest in dry wood inside walls, and getting rid of them requires a treatment such as fumigation, heat treatment, or termiticides.

  3. Drywood termites are social insects that infest dry wood and do not require contact with the soil. Light brown with narrow, oval-shaped bodies, drywood termites typically shed their veiny wings within minutes of landing, leaving them behind as evidence of an infestation.

  4. Drywood termites are important pests of structures throughout the country. The more destructive drywood termite species are restricted to certain warmer southern states and humid coastal areas. Drywood termites feed on dry, sound (nondecayed) wood and are more commonly reported from older structures.

  5. May 22, 2024 · Drywood termites are a species of termite that typically makes its home in dry wood that forms the structural foundation of a home, as well as within wooden fixtures and furniture inside a home. Drywood termites are most often found above ground and, unlike subterranean termites, do not need to make contact with soil in order to thrive.

  6. Mar 15, 2024 · True to their name, drywood termites burrow into dry, undecayed wood, which could spell loads of trouble for furniture and other wood trim in and around your home. Drywood termites are mainly...

  7. Drywood termites are cryptic insects that are difficult to detect. They live deep inside wood; and except during periods when they swarm or when repair work is being done on infested homes, they are seldom seen. Colonies are small (usually fewer than 1,000 individuals), can be widely dispersed, and take years to mature.

  8. Drywood termites are a termite species known for thriving in hard, dry wood found inside a home. This includes structural timbers as well as furniture, picture frames and banisters.

  9. Drywood termites vary in color depending on their maturity and role within the colony. Worker termites are cream colored and can look white against wood. Soldier termites range from cream to brown. Alates, also known as reproductive or swarmer drywood termites, can be brown or black in color.

  10. Feb 28, 2023 · What are Drywood Termites? Drywood termites are named after their tendency to live and feed on dry wood such as mahogany, teak and chengal. These creatures usually consume the cellulose across the grain of a wood.

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