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  1. Immortality. A state or condition free from both death and decay. The Bible affirms that only God by nature has immortality ( 1 Tim 6:16; cf. Deut 32:40; Rom 1:23; 1 Tim 1:17). It also implies that it is a potential state for human beings.

  2. By "immortality" is frequently meant simply the survival of the soul, or spiritual part of man, after bodily death. It is the assertion of the fact that death does not end all. The soul survives. This is commonly what is meant when we speak of "a future life," "a future state," "a hereafter."

  3. Immortality is, in the Biblical pattern of thought, not a universal natural possession but the gift of redemptive grace. Because the Savior gives life at every point where death has intervened, the body also participates in immortality ( 1 Cor 15:54 , athanasía ).

  4. The gulf Abraham mentions that prevents the wicked from escaping death in the Lake of Fire—and that also keeps the righteous from being burned—is immortality. Those who are immortal will never die because they are composed of spirit like God ( Revelation 20:6 ).

  5. › dictionary › immortalityimmortality - Bible Odyssey

    The notion of immortality is a Hellenistic idea. The Hebrews accepted death as a limit ordained by God ( Gen 3:19 ). Blessedness consisted in a peaceful death at an old age and in having posterity to carry on in one’s place ( Gen 15 ).

  6. A state or condition free from both death and decay. The Bible affirms that only God by nature has immortality ( 1 Timothy 6:16; cf. Deuteronomy 32:40; Romans 1:23; 1 Timothy 1:17 ). It also implies that it is a potential state for human beings.

  7. Scripture teaches that all humans are born completely mortal with no part of their existence being immortal. When a person dies, they lose consciousness and await a resurrection from the dead. The righteous, at Jesus' return, will be raised and receive eternal life.

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