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  1. 23 hours ago · born Francesca Isabel Natividad, Mexican actress; died of kidney failure at age 74. diagnosed in 1999 at age 51. [50] Alla Nazimova. (1879–1945) born Marem-Ides (Adelaida Yakovlevna) Leventon, Russian-born American actress; survived breast cancer, but died due to a coronary thrombosis at age 66. diagnosed in 1936 at age 57.

  2. 23 hours ago · Born and raised in Cynthiana, Kentucky. Gurney Norman (born 1937) Novelist, documentarian, professor. Raised in Allais; worked for Hazard Herald; professor at University of Kentucky. Marsha Norman (born 1947) Author and lyricist [13] Born in Louisville [13] Andrew J. Offutt (1934–2013) Author; father of Chris Offutt.

  3. 23 hours ago · The song is memorable for its music video in which the band members dressed in women's clothing, which parodied characters in Coronation Street and is considered an homage to the show. [218] The video depicts Freddie Mercury as a housewife, loosely based on Bet Lynch, who wants to "break free" from his life. Although Lynch was a blonde in the ...

  4. 23 hours ago · 1992 SW3. Timothy D. Swindle (born 1955), of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, is a meteoriticist who has specialized in the study of noble gases in meteorites. Swindle has used meteorites, including the martian meteorites, to study the atmospheres of other planets and water products in the Solar System.

  5. 23 hours ago · 1968: Aufgang der Erde nach einer Mondumkreisung. 24. Dezember: Mit Apollo 8 umkreist erstmals eine menschliche Besatzung, bestehend aus Frank Borman, James Arthur Lovell und William Anders den Mond. William Anders fotografiert den Erdaufgang (englisch Earthrise), eine berühmt werdende Szene. 31.

  6. 23 hours ago · Britney Jean Spears, ameriška pevka, tekstopiska in filmska, televizijska in gledališka igralka, * 2. december 1981, McComb, Mississippi, Združene države Amerike.. Rojena v McCombu, Mississippi in vzgojena v Kentwoodu, Louisiana, je Britney Spears pričela nastopati že kot otrok, in sicer predvsem z manjšimi vlogami v gledaliških igrah in televizijskih serijah.

  7. 23 hours ago · Izbor za domačo in tujo popevko tedna na Valu 202 poteka ob petkih. Poslušalci izbirajo med 3 domačimi in 3 tujimi predlogi, za katere glasujejo v spletni anketi in po telefonu, pri čemer ima večjo težo telefonsko glasovanje (zmagovalec spletnega glasovanja prejme 5 točk, drugouvrščeni 3, tretjeuvrščeni pa 1 točko, medtem ko pri telefonskem glasovanju šteje vsak glas posebej).

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