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  1. Meat Loaf Tour - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Lebanese Meatloaf
    "My father is Lebanese. I remember the flat bread that his sister made, and grape leaves, and kibbeh—the foods we ate when we gathered as a family. Kibbeh was sort of a steak tartare. My dad ate it raw; no one else would. We flattened it in a pan and baked it like meat loaf," says fiber artist Dana Boussard of Arlee, Montana. I got this recipe off a Middle Eastern food site. It sounds so good and has 4 STAR RATING. I thought others might like it too. I am posting this dish for World Tour 2-Middle Eastern
    Pizza 'fondue' -- Fundido--
    So easy and yummy. Kid and hubby pleasing comfort food in minutes! Faster even than making pizza or waiting for delivery! Makes a great appetizer or even a very satisfying meal! Make as healthy- or unhealthy- as you like! Add anything to the sauce - meat, veggie, etc... Very versatile and quick! We love to make it spicy by adding dried hot pepper flakes, jalapenos, green chilis or cayenne etc... World Tour Italy and Mexico/Tex/Mex/SW This can obviously be adjusted to be Italian or Tex/Mex by the additions used. FUNDIDO (melted cheese) is a popular appetizer in Tx/Mx cooking. To keep this more 'traditional' Mexican use Mexican oregano instead of Italian seasoning and Mexican cheeses like pepper jack or queso quesadilla and bolillos- Mexican crusty rolls. You could even add some cooked chorizo. To make it Italian- use the Italian seasoning and add any 'pizza' type toppings you like.