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  1. The main strategy in the transference focused psychotherapy (TFP) of borderline personality organization consists in the facilitation of the (re)activation in the treat-ment of the patient’s split-off internalized object relations that are then observed and interpreted in the transference.

  2. Sep 21, 2022 · Transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP) uses the relationship dynamics between an individual and a psychotherapist to develop a clearer sense of self and better relationships with others. TFP is usually used to treat borderline personality disorder and other personality disorders.

  3. This clinical guide describes the psychological origins of borderline personality disorder (while also discussing the biological substrates) as an inability to integrate the multitude of positive and negative representations.

  4. Aug 14, 2019 · Primarily developed for people with a borderline personality (BPD) diagnosis, transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP) works to help people develop positive self-regard and more constructive...

  5. TFP not only reduces borderline pathology but also improves personality functioning, identity, and reflective functioning in patients with personality disorders. The presenters summarize TFP research, answer participants’ questions, and use PowerPoint slides, examples, and videos to highlight TFP.

  6. Jul 20, 2014 · The Essence of Transference Focused Psychotherapy (TFP) • A psychodynamic psychotherapy • Based on object relations theory • Developed to treat severe personality disorders • Empirical support for treatment of DSM-IV BPD • Combines dynamic approach with structure, limit setting and attention to secondary gain

  7. Feb 11, 2022 · How TFP works. Who can provide TFP—and how to find care. Understanding Transference and How It Helps Treat BPD. Transference is at the heart of traditional psychoanalysis, in which a patient meets with a therapist as many as five times per week. In these sessions, a patient explores how past experiences influence their present circumstances.

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