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  1. What's the point of the maze from the shining? ... In "A clockwork Orange", at the time alex starts knewing such lovely pictures, (around 19:50) there's a hanging ...

  2. 10 hours ago · Thankfully the shark at least has no agenda besides making humans their little “nom nom” snack as it kills indiscriminately. One of the high points of the film is maybe just a bit past the midway point where the shark goes on a full-on feeding frenzy, and it’s at this point that the film shifts gears in tone, and for me it was for the better.

  3. 10 hours ago · The 1970s. England, like everywhere else, is pulling in different directions. There are three-day weeks, strikes and power cuts. In February 1974, prime minister Ted Heath urges the public to “Switch Off Something” – presumably not the TV set his bulletin is being broadcast on, but anything else tha...

  4. 10 hours ago · Catherine: Full Body: Joker from Persona 5 is a DLC playable character for the game's non-story modes, and other members of the cast provide gameplay commentary, all with original voice actors. Christmas Nights: Sonic the Hedgehog appears as an unlockable playable character in the Sega Saturn version. Civilization V: Brave New World

  5. 10 hours ago · 162 | MON 10 JUNE 2024 | Utility Sometimes, the only beneficial action that I may offer other people is, to take their picture, or, to get something off the top shelf at a grocery store.

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