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  1. Jun 17, 2024 · A Parliament of Owls setbook is set in the bird kingdom ruled by owls, especially through the powerful Parliament of Owls and the Royal Trees. The king of this kingdom is known as King Tula Nyongoro, the Royal Owl, who rules with an iron arm.

  2. The most common collective noun for a group of owls is a parliament. Other less common names include a wisdom, congress, hooting and a stare of owls. In flight, owls can be referred to as a silence; this is because owls have extremely quiet flight, making them excellent hunters.

  3. Jan 26, 2024 · A parliament is the most common term used to refer to a group of owls. Meanwhile, wisdom, congress, hooting, and stare are some less commonly used names. When in flight, a group of owls is often referred to as a silence of owls — a nod to their incredible ability to remain silent when flying.

  4. May 3, 2023 · A group of owls is most commonly called a parliament, less commonly a congress, stare, or hooting, all of which are related to owls’ characteristics. Speaking historically, most collective nouns for animals and birds can be traced back to Books of Courtesy in the Middle Ages.

  5. Jun 8, 2023 · a parliament of owls A group of owls on a branch. / tariq sulemani/iStock It's unclear when this phrase was invented, with examples dating to the late 19th century.

  6. Mar 2, 2024 · A group of owls is called a parliament. With their reputation for a wise demeanor, the thought of a group of owls convening as a parliament to discuss the business of the day is comical. We explore what you can call a group of owls and why they earned these names.

  7. Aug 4, 2021 · Owls, long associated with knowledge and wisdom, are most often known as a Parliament. Although rarely seen in a group, this poetic description was widely spread by a children’s book published in the 1950s called The Chronicles of Narnia ( 3 ).

  8. Sep 22, 2023 · A parliament of owls is a fascinating collective noun used to describe a group of these enigmatic and nocturnal birds. Distinctively known for their mysterious character and exceptional wisdom, owls evoke a sense of awe.

  9. The majestic Parliament of Owls gracefully soared through the night sky, their wings nearly soundless in the darkness. Every member of the Parliament of Owls contributed their unique wisdom and expertise, making their decisions not only wise but also well-informed.

  10. Apr 24, 2023 · The most common way to refer to a group of owls is to call them a parliament. Some other less common group owl names include a stare, a hooting, a congress, and a wisdom . And it actually doesn’t end there.

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