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  1. Alexander, son of Herod was born about 35 BC; died about 7 BC. His mother was the Hasmonean princess Mariamne. The unfortunate fate which persistently pursued the Hasmonean house overtook this prince also. As heir presumptive to the throne by right of descent on his mother's side, he was sent to Rome for his education in the year 23 BC.

  2. Herod's attempt to humiliate Alexander by restoring to honor Antipater, an older son by another wife, resulted disastrously. Antipater's insidious plotting and the open enmity to Herod shown by Alexander widened the breach between father and son to such an extent that in the year 12 B.C. Herod felt himself constrained to bring charges against ...

  3. A s elder son of Herod by his favorite wife, the Hasmonean princess Mariamne , Alexander was groomed to be his father's successor. But his unrelenting resentment of Herod for ordering his mother's death (29 BCE) led eventually to his own execution. He was about 12 when Herod sent him & his younger brother Aristobulus to Rome for training in the ...

  4. May 29, 2018 · ALEXANDER. ALEXANDER (c. 36–7 b.c.e.), son of *Herod and *Mariamne. As Herod's heir presumptive, Alexander was educated in Rome with his younger brother Aristobulus from c. 23–17 b.c.e. On his return to Judea he married Glaphyra, the daughter of Archelaus, king of Cappadocia.

  5. Herod's attempt to humiliate Alexander by restoring to honor Antipater, an older son by another wife, resulted disastrously. Antipater's insidious plotting and the open enmity to Herod shown by Alexander widened the breach between father and son to such an extent that in the year 12 B.C. Herod felt himself constrained to bring charges against ...

  6. Aristobulus IV (31–7 BC) was a prince of Judea from the Herodian dynasty, and was married to his cousin, Berenice, daughter of Costobarus and Salome I. He was the son of Herod the Great and his second wife, Mariamne I, [1] the last of the Hasmoneans, and was thus a descendant of the Hasmonean Dynasty. Aristobulus lived most of his life ...

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  8. ALEXANDER THE FALSE. ALEXANDER THE FALSE, impostor who pretended to be the son of Herod and Mariamne.According to Josephus, after Herod's death in 4 b.c.e., there appeared "a young man, Jewish by birth but brought up in the city of Sidon by a Roman freedman" who "on the strength of a certain physical resemblance passed himself off as the Prince Alexander, whom Herod had put to death."

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