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  1. Recipes From Hell's Kitchen - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Squash Casserole with Potato-Chip Crust
    Food and Wine
    A few years back when my husband called his 90-something-year-old mother to get the recipe for this holiday favorite, she laughed and said no one ever had bothered to write it down. “You just make it!” she told him, but did eventually walk him through the method. The exact makeup of this Eastern Carolina dish varies from family to family, but in the Wagner kitchen, gooey cheese and a crisp potato chip topping is key, and if you’re worried that you’re cooking down the vegetables too much—you’re not. Gloriously caramelized mush is the goal and when done just right, this casserole can be filed under “looks like hell, tastes like heaven.” READ: Never Be Ashamed of Your Family's Casserole
    Corner Store Casserole
    When I moved to Brooklyn at 18, I was full of ambition and very, very short on cash. I quickly discovered my friendly neighborhood bodega—unlike anything that existed in the suburbs of Kansas City, MO, where I grew up. It’s where I learned that in New York, “coffee, regular” meant cream and two sugars, and it’s where I figured out that cream cheese and tomato on a toasted everything bagel is the best breakfast in the world. Always in search of the perfect roommate situation, I moved frequently, but I’ll never forget Ibrahim at the bodega near Sixth Avenue and West 4th Street, near my first Manhattan apartment. That bodega is long gone, but it’s impossible to think of my time in the West Village without remembering Ibrahim smiling at me every day from behind that counter. He’d always put extra turkey on my sandwich, and would even let me run a tab to hold me over until my next shift at the Village Underground. In the days and weeks following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, when I didn’t really want to leave my block, that bodega is where I bought everything—toiletries, cleaning supplies, and all of my groceries. This cheesy casserole with tomatoes is inspired by my bodega days—every ingredient can be purchased at a bodega*—and except for the baking dish, it can all be prepared in one pot. For this recipe, you’ll shop the bodega’s dry and canned goods, grab a head of garlic if you can (and if not, garlic powder is fine), then head to the deli counter for some sliced onion and cheese (Boar’s Head Vermont Cheddar melts beautifully into a sauce). NOTE: If your bodega doesn’t have breadcrumbs, try day-old bread or a day-old roll from the deli counter and pulse it in a food processor. And if you can’t find diced tomatoes, try stewed tomatoes, or even a tomato sauce (it will just add a little extra flavor). If your bodega doesn’t have a deli counter, but you can find a block of cheddar cheese, you can use ¾-pound to a pound in this casserole. *While I no longer live in New York, I did FaceTime with a friend to confirm that all of these ingredients were available at his Hell’s Kitchen bodega.
     Polenta Cheese Bites
    These were a big hit at cookouts this summer. They can be made ahead, cut into squares, and reheated on the grill (use a grill pan so they don't fall through!) I adapted the recipe from "Damn Good Food: 137 Recipes from Hell's Kitchen" by adding stone ground corn meal, changing the cheeses and deleting the jalapenos. By all means, add the jalapenos back in and tweak to your taste. It's a versatile one-bite snack that goes well equally with red wine and your favorite IPA. They also freeze well.