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  1. Ṭalḥa ibn al-Ḥasan (Arabic: طلحة بن الحسن) was a son of Umm Ishaq and Hasan ibn Ali. He was a grandson of the fourth caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib on his father's side and of Talha ibn Ubayd Allah on his mother's side. His family. His mother, Umm Ishaq, the daughter of Talha ibn Ubayd Allah, was described as extremely beautiful.

  2. He gained the unique reputation among Muslims of being ' the living martyr '. The Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, also called him ' Talhah the Good ' and ' Talhah the Generous '. "The name of ' the Living Martyr ' was earned during the Battle of 'Uhud. Talhah had missed the Battle of Badr.

  3. Even so, Hassan Abbas suggests that Marwan's main motive in killing Talha was to rid his kinsman Mu'awiya of a serious contender for the caliphate. Marwan received only minor wounds during the battle, [158] and afterward joined the court of Mu'awiya in Damascus.

    • 8 December 656 CE (15 Jumada I 36 AH)
    • Victory for Ali
    • Basra, Iraq
  4. The heroism of Hz. Talha during the Battle of Uhud became proverbial. When the polytheists started to attack the Messenger of Allah with might and main in order to kill him, he was one of those who formed a wall of flesh around the Prophet. He promised that he would die but would not leave the Prophet.

  5. Talha ibn Ubayd Allah al-Taymi (Arabic: طَلْحَة بن عُبَيْد اللّه التَّيمي, romanized: Ṭalḥa ibn ʿUbayd Allāh al-Taymī, c. 594 – c. 656) was a companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. In Sunni Islam, he is mostly known for being among al-ʿashara al-mubashshara ('the ten to whom Paradise was promised').

  6. Ṭalḥa ibn Ḥasan (Arabic: طلحة بن حسن) was a son of Umm Ishaq and Hasan ibn Ali. He was a grandson of the fourth caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib on his father's side and of Talha ibn Ubayd Allah on his mother's side. (en) rdfs: label. Talha ibn Hasan (en) owl: sameAs. freebase :Talha ibn Hasan.

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  8. Jan 20, 2017 · Talha was one of the first eight people to accept Islam and one of five people who became Muslim through Abu Bakr. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) himself had described him as a martyr walking on the ground. He was one of the lucky few who knew during his life of his victorious end, that being passing the exam of life.

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