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  1. British Cuisine - Yahoo Recipe Search

    The Memsahib's Mulligatawny Soup:  Anglo-Indian Curried Soup
    The British have always been fond of highly spiced food, a taste which can be traced back in our cooking to medieval times and which can be seen today in our pungent commercially prepared sauces and mustards. This tasty curried broth belongs to the early nineteenth century and is part of the heritage of the British Raj. British people who spent years in India grew to love the local spicy food and brought back their favourite recipes which were adapted in the Victorian kitchen. "Pepper Water" was the nearest thing to soup in the cuisine of India, and indeed the word mulligatawny comes from the Tamil words molegoo (pepper) and tunes (water). It was originally a vegetarian 'sauce', but the British added meat and various other ingredients to create a variety of mulligatawnies, which were popular in India and Ceylon, but had an extremely bad press back home in England! A basic peppered water was flavoured with various other ingredients, then the soup would be served with side bowls of cooked rice, lime wedges, grated coconut, snippets of fried bacon, quartered hard-boiled eggs and sliced chillies. You helped yourself to what you wanted - a meal in itself. I serve mine with Raita and Chutney, and sometimes hard-boiled eggs, you can add whatever you like to the basic soup posted below. This recipe was taken from The Memsahib's Cookbook and has been adapted to personal taste.
    Pork Chops with Apple and Sage
    This recipe is very simple and vey traditional in terms of British cuisine. Using the barbecue to allow the apples to caramelise in their own sugar couldn't be easier.
    Easy & Delicious Apple Crumble (Gluten Free)
    British influence on South African cuisine has brought Apple Crumble to the table. This version is not too sweet so I suggest not cutting much sugar if you make it as I already reduced it from the original recipe found on
    Chef John's Chicken Tikka Masala
    I probably get more requests for Indian food than any other ethnic cuisine, so I was very excited to be posting this recipe for chicken tikka masala; until I found out it's actually a British recipe. This is usually done with heavy cream, but I like to use coconut milk instead; the subtle sweetness it provides works beautifully with the spices in the dish. Serve with steamed rice.
    Maple Bread and Butter Pudding
    When asked for her favourite dessert recipe, President's Choice executive chef, Dana Speers pointed to a traditional British treat with a classic Canadian touch. “I love this recipe because it brings together two of my favourite comfort-food cuisines,” she says. “The rich, custardy pudding is an old English tradition, while the sweet maple syrup flavour is unmistakably Canadian.”
    Fresh Horseradish Sauce
    World Tour Zaar 2005- Jewish/Kosher Keeps for one year in fridge. Also makes great gift as it is a jarred sauce. Wonderful on roast lamb or beef. Being a widely used condiment this could also fit into British cuisine as well as other regions.