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  1. The Goldenes Dachl (Golden Roof) is a landmark structure located in the Old Town (Altstadt) section of Innsbruck, Austria. It is considered the city's most famous symbol. [1] Completed in 1500, the roof was decorated with 2,657 fire-gilded copper tiles for Emperor Maximilian I to mark his wedding to Bianca Maria Sforza .

  2. Das Goldene Dachl ist ein spätgotischer Prunkerker am Neuen Hof in der Herzog-Friedrich-Straße der Innsbrucker Altstadt und gilt als Wahrzeichen der Stadt. Das Dach des Erkers wurde mit 2657 feuervergoldeten Kupferschindeln gedeckt.

  3. › wahrzeichen › innsbruck-goldenes-dachlGoldenes Dachl — Austria in USA

    Aug 26, 2022 · Centrally located in Innsbruck's Altstadt (old town), the Goldenes Dachl (Golden roof) is the city's most iconic and famous landmark. The building itself was built in the early 15th century as the residence of the princes of Tyrol (Landesfürsten).

  4. Today, more than 500 years later, the Golden Roof still attracts thousands of visitors every day and is Innsbruck's most famous sight - far beyond the borders of Austria. Emperor Maximilian I had the Golden Roof built between 1497 and 1500.

  5. Ein Spaziergang durch Innsbruck ist gleichzeitig eine Reise durch die Jahrhunderte: Von der mittelalterlichen Altstadt mit dem Goldenem Dachl im Zentrum geht es vorbei an reich verzierten Barockfassaden zur Maria-Theresien-Straße. Dort haben Adelsfamilien einst prächtige Palais errichten lassen.

  6. The Golden Roof, known as the „Goldenes Dachl“ in German, is a famous landmark located in the city of Innsbruck, Austria. It is an ornate bay window adorned with a roof covered in over 2,600 gilded copper tiles.

  7. The Goldenes Dachl Museum offers a new perspective on the city's most photographed landmark. Enjoy the view from the oriel into Innsbruck's old town. Immerse yourself in history at the transition from the Middle Ages to modern times.

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