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  1. The Anacardiaceae, commonly known as the cashew family or sumac family, are a family of flowering plants, including about 83 genera with about 860 known species. Members of the Anacardiaceae bear fruits that are drupes and in some cases produce urushiol, an irritant.

  2. Anacardiaceae, the sumac family of flowering plants (order Sapindales), with about 80 genera and about 870 species of evergreen or deciduous trees, shrubs, and woody vines. Most members of Anacardiaceae are native to tropical and subtropical areas of the world.

  3. The cashew family, Anacardiaceae, consists of about 80 genera and more than 700 species distributed primarily in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Its members are characterized by the presence of resin ducts in the bark and feature compound leaves and unisexual flowers.

  4. The Anacardiaceae, commonly known as the cashew family or sumac family, are a family of flowering plants, including about 83 genera with about 860 known species. Members of the Anacardiaceae bear fruits that are drupes and in some cases produce urushiol, an irritant.

  5. Family: Anacardiaceae — cashew family. Plants in the cashew family are trees, shrubs, or lianas that produce a milky or watery sap (the sap is allergenic in some species ). The alternate leaves are usually pinnately compound.

  6. Anacardiaceae, like Rutaceae and Sapindaceae, is known for its fruits. Anacardium occidentale ( cashew ), a tropical South American tree, was one of the first fruit trees to be distributed throughout the tropics by early Spanish and Portuguese adventurers. The seed produces the cashew nut, while the reddish swollen axis under the fruit proper ...

  7. ANACARDIACEAE P. Acevedo-Rodríguez A predominantly pantropical family, extending to temperate regions, mostly of trees or shrubs, with very few lianas or scrambling shrubs; most diverse in the lowlands of the tropics. Lianas and climbing shrubs in the Neotropics are restricted to the genera Attilaea, Rhus, and Toxicodendron.

  8. Anacardiaceae (also known as the cashew family or sumac family) is a family of flowering plants in the order Sapindales, with about 70 genera and 650 species of evergreen or deciduous trees, shrubs, and woody vines. Are plants including cashew, mango and pistachio.

  9. Sep 9, 2019 · This review describes the habitat and cultivation of Anacardium species, phytochemical and nutritional composition, and their industrial food applications. Besides, we also discuss the secondary metabolites present in Anacardium plants which display great antioxidant and antimicrobial effects.

  10. Jan 1, 2010 · Anacardiaceae have rich fossil records because of their woody growth form, and past and current wide distribution. Anacardiaceae pollen and wood first appear in the Paleocene, 65 to 55 million years ago (Hsu 1983; Muller 1984), and are found throughout the world.

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