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  1. › wiki › AmnonAmnon - Wikipedia

    Amnon (Hebrew: אַמְנוֹן ’Amnōn, "faithful") was, in the Hebrew Bible, the oldest son of King David and his second wife, Ahinoam of Jezreel. [1] He was born in Hebron during his father's reign in Judah. [2]

  2. Sep 26, 2022 · Amnon was King Davids firstborn son. His mother was Ahinoam. Amnon showed despicable character, an alarming lack of self-control, and great selfishness. Amnon fell in love—or in lust—with his half-sister Tamar. She was the full sister of David’s son Absalom, and the Bible says she was very beautiful (2 Samuel 13:1).

  3. Jan 4, 2022 · Why didn’t David punish Amnon for his sin against Tamar? Many reasons have been suggested. One likely reason is that Amnon was David’s son and that David had been guilty of sexual sin himself (in the case of Bathsheba)—therefore, in the case of Amnon and Tamar, he felt inadequate to judge.

  4. People also ask

    • Which of David’s Sons Was Amnon?
    • What Sin Did Amnon Commit?
    • What Did David Do When He Heard About Amnon’s Sin?
    • What Did Absalom Do to Avenge Amnon’s Sin?
    • Can We Learn Anything from Amnon and David’s Mistakes?

    We know from Scripture that David took many wives and had many children during his tenure as king. Though David may have rationalized the taking of multiple wives, his many marriages violated God’s instructions on marriage provided in the Torah (Deuteronomy 17:14-17). David’s first children were born in Hebron, where David was made king following t...

    We don’t know what kind of childhood Amnon had growing up or his relationship with his father. Many of Amnon’s early years were probably spent on the run with his family as David hid from King Saul. Was David an absent father, too focused on hiding from Saul or fighting other battles with his mighty men to train and temper his sons in their formati...

    When David learned that his oldest son and heir had raped Tamar, the Bible says that “he was very angry” (2 Samuel 13:21). Unfortunately, David’s response to such a heinous act from his oldest son seems limited to indignation. Nowhere in Scripture do we encounter David’s reprimanding and disciplining his oldest son. We also do not see if (or how) D...

    When Absalom, David’s third son, found out that Amnon had raped his sister, he too was rightly indignant (2 Samuel 38:22). As her older brother and protector, Absalom took Tamar into his house and provided for her the rest of her life. She remained childless and unmarried. For most people, the stench of Amnon’s malicious behavior eventually faded. ...

    It’s safe to say that David’s family was never the same after Amnon and Absalom’s deaths. So what can we learn from Amnon and David’s mistakes? 1. Children Learn by Example There are many things David’s sons probably learned from their father by simply watching him. Hearing stories of David’s triumph over Goliath and the Philistine armies, they lea...

  5. Amnon and Tamar. 13 In the course of time, Amnon son of David fell in love with Tamar, the beautiful sister of Absalom son of David. 2 Amnon became so obsessed with his sister Tamar that he made himself ill. She was a virgin, and it seemed impossible for him to do anything to her.

  6. AMNON (Heb. אֲמְנֹן, אַמְנוֹן, אַמִינוֹן; from the root אמן (? mn); "to be firm or trustworthy"), eldest son of King David, born in Hebron of Ahinoam the Jezreelitess (II Sam. 3:2).

  7. Amnon's name means "faithful" yet as the son of David, his story in the Bible tells us he dishonored his half-sister Tamar, and was in consequence murdered by her brother.

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