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  1. The Inca religion was a group of beliefs and rites that were related to a mythological system evolving from pre-Inca times to Inca Empire. Faith in the Tawantinsuyu was manifested in every aspect of his life, work, festivities, ceremonies, etc.

  2. Feb 15, 2016 · Inti was the most important Inca god as he was the god of the Sun and the patron of empire and conquest. Creation of the World. For the Incas themselves, the world was created at Lake Titicaca, long previously considered a sacred place for Andean people and visited by Inca rulers in regular pilgrimages.

    • Mark Cartwright
  3. Inca origins and early history are largely shrouded in legends that may be more mythical than factual. Their later history, particularly from the reign of Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui (Pachakuti ’Inka Yupanki) onward, is largely based on fact, even though it presents what the Inca wanted people to know.

  4. The Inca religious system utilized oral traditions to pass down the mythology of their Sun god, Inti. This benevolent male deity was often represented as a gold disk with large rays and a human face.

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